Tuesday, July 18, 2006

under the radar: More on The Death Star

The Special Exception request to open a professional office at 8603 Cedar Street, informally known as "The Death Star," has been posted on the Planning Board website, along with pictures of the proposed renovation of the circa-1938 cottage-turned-punk house. (According to Montgomery County, it is still a doctor's office, which doesn't explain how the current residents do what they do there.)

This is what D.C. businessman Leizer Z. Goldsmith proposes to do with the property when he relocates his office to Silver Spring. (More renderings at Park and Planning.) An addition would be built on the back along with a third floor, pretty much enveloping the old house. The new building, with its flat roof and increased height, seems to squash the old Georgian roof and tall front gable. (I note the "urban circle-of-life" symbolism: the slick professional stepping on the Mohawk-topped urchin.)

Well, it's no Champion Billiards, but hopefully I won't be the only one who'll note the departure of the Death Star.


Sligo said...

Christ that will be ugly.

Anonymous said...

A peripheral point:

Leizer used to live close to that location, on Deerfield a block in from Dale Drive. By profession he's a labor lawyear and he lives in Maryland. He's not a "DC developer."