[Ben Cardin] appeared surprised during the exchange on NewsChannel 8 when Steele quizzed him about the start and end points of Metro's proposed Purple Line . . . Cardin started to answer, sputtering, incorrectly, "Chevy Chase" before stopping abruptly and snapping, "I'm not going to answer your question."Up until now, Cardin's been running a good campaign . . . is he really letting the people who nearly killed the Purple Line trample him like this?
You've got some serious explaining to do, Benny boy. You can't just barnstorm through College Park and then refuse to admit you haven't figured out where the Purple Line is going to go.
michael steele needs to wipe the blackface off. that's all I'm saying.
Ben was probably thinking of the old plan (from at least 15 years ago)for the "Light Rail" that was going to link Bethesda with Silver Spring & follow the "Cresent Railroad Trail" which goes right through the middle of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase golf course. Anyone know what happened with that plan??
Anonymous said...
michael steele needs to wipe the blackface off. that's all I'm saying.
RE: And you need to come out the closet and admit that you are a anti-progressive Maryland hating anti-Black racist hiding behind the good ol' boy Democrat/DIXICCRAT Mask.
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