- Governor Martin O'Malley says he'll make a decision "next month" on if and how to build the Purple Line, the proposed sixteen-mile transitway between Bethesda and New Carrollton. Not to be left out, a decision on Baltimore's Red Line will also be made. That project will connect Woodlawn and the Bayview Medical Campus via the Inner Harbor; like the Purple, it will either be a light-rail or bus rapid transit line.
-Speaking of which: on Tuesday, the National Building Museum hosts a FREE lecture called "The Purple Line: A Rail Solution?" discussing the controversial transitway's potential benefits for the region are worth "[bulldozing] 17 acres of mature forest," as Post columnist Robert McCartney clumsily puts it. The talk is at 6:30pm at the museum, located next to the Judiciary Square Metro station in the District.
- From the listservs Jerry McCoy's Then and Again blog: the Moda Vista, a proposed apartment-and-retail building at Fenton Street and Silver Spring Avenue that was originally approved in 2007, has undergone a makeover of sorts. Now called Silver Spring Park, the project will include fifty-eight apartments (nearly a quarter of which will be low-income and workforce housing), a 110-room hotel, about 9,200 square feet of retail, and 22,000 square feet of office space.
Next Thursday, July 30, the developers are holding a community meeting to discuss their proposal before submitting it to the Planning Board. That'll be at 7pm at Silver Spring International Middle School, located at Wayne Avenue and Dale Drive.
1 comment:
Thanks for the update. Do you know when they plan to break ground?
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