- The Giant at
- Finally, food trucks in Silver Spring! The Straight Line takes us to Chez Dikel, parked at the corner of Colesville Road and Georgia Avenue. (They call this the "100 percent corner," or most significant intersection, in downtown Silver Spring. Maybe if you're a car, but if you want people-watching, shops and real social activity, the real 100 percent corner is probably Fenton Street and Ellsworth Drive. Perhaps one shortcoming of the revitalization is that it hasn't addressed the area's most prominent corner.)
- Much as I think teenagers are given a bad rap in Silver Spring, at least they don't have to put up with hoodie bans as is the case in Philadelphia.
- Richard Layman (from Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space) on Bob Ehrlich: "Were I a resident of Maryland, I wouldn't vote for Bob Ehrlich. (Plus he's slimy in other ways, even if he has a nice smile.)"
- We're mourning Loui See Ling, restauranteur who first brought "Chinese-American" food to downtown Silver Spring in 1938 and passed away recently.
- Meanwhile, Good Eatin' reports that an Irish pub is opening in Wheaton.
- SoCo Eats says a pumpkin patch has arrived at the corner of Fenton Street and Thayer Avenue.
According to my mother, though, the Giant might be held up by issues with the county - the county wants them to pay for new traffic lights at their exits, which they are fighting. Not sure if that has been resolved or not.
Chez Dikel changed my lunch life. Get the poulet yassa - an absurd amount of delicious food for just $7.
The "No ID No Entry" sign beside the "No Hoodies" sign really makes me crave Five Guys...
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