I'm pretty sure three weeks is the longest I've gone without updating JUTP. Much as I hoped this wouldn't happen, I had little choice but to focus on school with the end of the semester approaching. (Not to mention the ongoing difficulty of writing a blog about a place from 125 miles away. Is this practical? I'm beginning to wonder.) Regular updates should begin during the first two weeks of May. I'm looking forward to some very late discussion of the Makeover Montgomery conference two weeks ago, which I attended and enjoyed thoroughly.
In the meantime, there is good news: I will be returning to the D.C. area this summer, but I'm also in need of a place to stay. Here are my criteria:
- At least partially furnished (bed/dresser/desk)
- Under $700/month (including utilities)
- Within biking distance (~1 mile) of a Metro station
Of course, I'm looking in Silver Spring, but I'm also open to Takoma Park, College Park, and the District. If you have any leads, I'd definitely appreciate it.
UPDATE: I'm looking for a ROOM, not an apartment. Certainly I'd be crazy to think you could rent a one-bedroom (or even a studio) in this area for $700. (When my mother first moved into Georgian Towers, she paid $685 a month - but that was in 1991!)
Thanks! Check back in this space for updates in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, there is good news: I will be returning to the D.C. area this summer, but I'm also in need of a place to stay. Here are my criteria:
- At least partially furnished (bed/dresser/desk)
- Under $700/month (including utilities)
- Within biking distance (~1 mile) of a Metro station
Of course, I'm looking in Silver Spring, but I'm also open to Takoma Park, College Park, and the District. If you have any leads, I'd definitely appreciate it.
UPDATE: I'm looking for a ROOM, not an apartment. Certainly I'd be crazy to think you could rent a one-bedroom (or even a studio) in this area for $700. (When my mother first moved into Georgian Towers, she paid $685 a month - but that was in 1991!)
Thanks! Check back in this space for updates in the next few weeks.
I would be surprised to fine out the kind of place you've described actually exists.
I'm assuming you're looking for something starting May-June? I *might* be headed out of the country around July/August, but will still be living in my apartment for May/June.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to sublet or not, but I'd at least give thought toward subleting to someone I partially-know... even if only from reading the blog.
Just in case, it's a studio apartment near Logan Circle... 10 min walk from Shaw & Convention Center; 15-20 min walk from Dupont; 5 min walk away from buses to pretty much every reach of the city. Haven't given any thought to what price I'd be seeking, though.
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