Tuesday, August 1, 2006

the squeaky wheel gets the grease

Keep your eyes peeled: Just Up The Pike will be featured in the Washington Examiner for a piece on bloggers and the Montgomery County Council elections.

As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and it's about time that the wheel stopped squeaking about plummeting property values. I spent an hour and forty-five minutes in traffic this morning, both on Route 29 and East-West Highway, for some unknown reason. You may say the Purple Line is a waste - but all it takes is one morning like this to get people to change their minds.


Sligo said...

Remember, you will only save "10 minutes" with the Purple Line...

Anonymous said...

There's a pool being set up for bets on what Steve Silverman will do for a living after he loses the primary. My own guess is he'll become a lobbyist, probably working for Larry Shulman's law firm. And his biggest clients will be dvelopers (natch), oil companies, and cigarette manufacturers. In recent years Steve has taken positions favorable to all those groups. And what's your best guess?