WITHIN THE WEEK: I'll talk about what I consider to be
The Worst New Development In East County.
A BRIDGE FOR BRIGGS CHANEY: Another milestone for the
Briggs Chaney Road/US 29 interchange, set to be completed this winter: the bridge is almost finished! You can already see the swanky "pseudo-stone" facing also used on the Cherry Hill Road bridge. Only a few more months and construction on The Pike will be done . . . for now.
EAST COUNTY CASTLE: Silver Spring, Singular alerted us to this
castle for sale on eBay. According to the ad, it's located somewhere in "North Silver Spring," but there's no address. I have a hunch that this house is located on
Edfinn Road in Fairland. I'll see if I can corroborate that with some
evidence . . .
Burtonsville Volunteer Fire Department held an open house Sunday at their firehouse in
what is actually Silver Spring. I brought my brother, who is young enough to still be considered "cute," to climb atop the fire trucks, meet the wildly enthusiastic firefighters, and jump around in the moon bounce, which was guarded by a pair of pint-size "bouncers" (ha, ha, ha). They wouldn't have allowed my brother in had one of the mothers not intervened.
Speaking of my brother - he's currently a student at
Galway Elementary, which has been holding a series of
meetings to discuss the forty-year-old school's renovation, scheduled to take place in 2009. I have the plans; hopefully later this week I'll have renderings, and I'll put up a post about that.
Now you've got me scanning satellite images trying to find it!
It's about time Galway benefited from renovations. I was a student there in the 1970s; on a recent visit (September's primary election) everything looked so familiar! The same old bike rack is in place, and I swear those are the original pull-down cafeteria tables where I ate bad cafeteria food while discussing the latest Osmonds album. Damn, I'm old...
The new Briggs Chaney bridge is certainly an improvement over the too-steep temp one, but the traffic pattern on the east side is an accident waiting to happen.
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