Check out this bird's-eye view of the "East County Castle." It's actually located on Martello Drive in Fairland, which is a couple of blocks north of Edfinn Road. Talk about an excellent location - this is a $3.4-million-dollar house within spitting distance of Briggs Chaney Plaza and the Auto Park. It's also a block away from the future InterCounty Connector.
Worst of all, however, you would have to furnish the proposed moat yourself. Talk about a bad deal . . .
Gators! I want alligators in my moat, but I'll have to put some heaters out there in the water for them. I guess to have a more Maryland theme, though, I should stock it with some grumpy (but cute) terrapins. Actual reptiles, not undergraduates.
Looks like either the owner is seriously embellishing the property description or the SDAT's records are wrong by a long shot. The tax records show the property as having an enclosed area of 5,495 sq. ft., which is considerably less than the 15,000 sq. ft. advertised. Either that or the house has a 9,500 sq. ft. basement, since the below ground space is not included in the "enclosed area" value.
Also, the assessed value on Jan 1, 2006 was $1,091,310. This appears to be worth a second look by the SDAT's assessors if it's really worth anything like the asking price.
That is now my dreamhome. I want it.
Note to self: play lottery. a lot.
Whether the home is worth $3.5 million or $1.1 million, it's still over my budget. Besides, it's a little reminiscent of the Neverland Ranch.
Any idea as to why the property is for sale (other than its proximity to the ICC)?
Here's some info on the guy who built the castle:
Just took a look at the former home owner's bio (thanks to Sligo).
It's a little ironic that a guy who promotes water safety has a moat.
It HAS to have a dungeon and a network of confusing subterranean passageways that can either lead a person to one of several escape points scattered across the countryside OR cause a person to get lost FOREVER.
I would love to have a castle with a moat and a dungeon. I'd also need a few exotic men (Scotsmen with lovely accents, wearing kilts, would be nice) to staff the place for me.
I think this guy would be better off the Purple Line in front of his house, not the ICC. But if he wants it, he'd better get the moat built. Here's a picture of the light rail passing in front of the Chateau of the Dukes of Brittany in Nantes, France:
Apparently the eBay castle story was picked up by the Express yesterday (print, not web). Did anyone see this? I don't ride metro, so I never got to.
Holy crap! What a house....
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