Tuesday, June 26, 2007

it's been a whole year . . .

since the great storm that inspired me to write my first rant, thus creating Just Up The Pike. I've been taking some time off to concentrate on work and school, and to think about the future of this blog. I've had a lot of fun this year, and I hope my readers have gotten something out of it as well.

Your support means a lot to me - if you've introduced yourself at a meeting or event, or offered any advice or tips - or, for my fellow Silver Spring bloggers (and our "guest blogger" Adam), collaborated to give the news or make it ourselves. The readers make this site what it is, and I hope we can keep working together in the years to come.

But for now, I'm afraid, I have to go to bed.

Thanks and take care,
Dan Reed


Anonymous said...

In a move that may surprise you, the Montgomery County Council announced today that they chose as a new member of the county Planning Commission a developer. Yeah, you thought they were slow growth. You thought they were outsiders. But they picked a developer with all of the tightest connections -- Gene Lynch, a former county chief administrative officer and a former chief of staff to Gov. Glendenning who now runs a development company. See http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Apps/Council/PressRelease/PR_details.asp?PrID=3676 for the release.

It won't surprise you to learn that for the non-Democratic seat on the Planning Commission, the Council chose a Republican former state legislator over a Green applicant, and that no others were interviewed!

Yet another reason that those who are always begging for favors for developers and more development should be happy and quiet!


Silver Springer said...

Congrats my friend, hang in there!