Continuing with this week's theme of "How Could You Possibly Consider This To Be East County," I appeared on
Rockville Central Radio, an online talk show hosted by Brad Rourke and Cindy CG of
Rockville Central, the premier Rockville blog and a resource I encourage you to check out.
We talked about how
Just Up The Pike got started, Don Praisner's first week in the County Council, and the Dutch Country Farmers' Market in Burtonsville. Check out the interview
right here - if you're impatient, fast forward about fourteen minutes.
1 comment:
This is a good interview! Both of you fellows have good on-air presence and can actually speak to the issues on-the-fly.
The host mentions a demographic surplus of males. Sociology does show some interesting facts about both sexual imbalance and age demographic imbalance of males.
For example, one of the best predictors of war or a high level of crime is the ratio of older males to younger males.
A society with few elder males, but with a surplus of females (all ages) is a society in which war is less likely, but in which crime/violence may be more likely. A society with a surplus of elder males and a surplus of females (all ages) is a society in which there is less crime/violence and in general it's not a bellicose society.
Yet a society with a surplus of young males, a dearth of females (all ages), and few elder males, is a society generally characterized as having heightened militarism, whether the militarism is one of bellicosity or criminality.
Maryland has, in recent years, tended to be predominantly male, and young male, if you consider two separate demographic bulges in the "US born" 30-45 years and the "foreign born" 15-30" demographics as something you can merge. Yet Maryland's historical dearth of females is indeed related to militarism, though cause-and-effect is muddled, due to the fact that much of the surplus of young men is due to stationing of military bases here.
The fact that we also have something of a "surplus" -- if that's the right word -- of elderly females (many of whom have come out of government careers) may explain why Montgomery County has one of the lowest levels of both criminal violence and national bellicose sentiments in the Mid-Atlantic.
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