The MTA's released its Alternative Analysis/Draft Environmental Impact Study for the Purple Line in anticipation of public hearings to be held next month. Weighing in at a few thousand pages, the report includes detailed information and analysis of proposed routes and modes for the transitway, along with any effects the MTA believes it'll have on the 16-mile corridor. The document (warning! PDF file) also includes several computer renderings of how the Purple Line may look when built.
Whether you're for the Purple Line, against the Purple Line, or completely oblivious, this is your opportunity to make your voices heard on what could potentially change the face of Montgomery and Prince George's counties. For you spectators out there hungry for another sober shitshow, these hearings offer a great opportunity to see civic involvement at its very best - and worst. The tour begins in New Carrollton on Nov. 15, followed by Chevy Chase on the 18th and College Park on the 19th before it stops in Silver Spring on the 22nd. For more information about the hearing times or how they're run, check out the Purple Line website.

1 comment:
I've never seen a discussion of any MoCo funding associated with the Purple Line, but I have a hard time believing that it comes for free to the county residents. Is it really too good to be true?
Everyone in MoCo should be taking note of the Council's recent position on development districts. While your county tax dollars may not foot the bill for the Purple Line - you will find yourselves paying future development district taxes for your regional infrastructure improvements that are sure to follow it.
With Ervin's recent council vote to give a $90M "gift" to developers by way of the Clarksburg development district taxed, Purple Line opponents will find support among up-county residents & council reps(e.g Knapp?) if for no other reason than to even the score. We'd also prefer to see FTA/MTA funding going to the I-270/corridor cities transit project.
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