Friday, January 30, 2009

record readership in january

I'm proud to report that Just Up The Pike has a record number of hits over the past week, with 1,975 visits and 3,158 individual page views between 1/21 and 1/28, according to Sitemeter. Wednesday the 21st (when I posted about my inauguration ordeal) was the most-read day in JUTP history, with 542 visits and 747 page views.

In celebration, I'm taking the day off, but only because there are some pretty exciting posts coming up that will make the wait worth it. See you next week!

1 comment:

Paul Foer said...

Hey--good for you! There has to be good news somewhere these days. Annapolis Capital Punishment had a record month in December and January may match it or come close behind. Let's hope that the blogosphere is on the rise because the rest of the media are falling if only my ad revenue could keep up...