While MPW says conditions look "favorable" for Nancy Navarro's bid to run in the County Council general election May 19, her campaign's already declared victory:
SILVER SPRING, MD – Tonight, Nancy Navarro declared victory in her second run for Montgomery County Council, District 4. In two consecutive special elections, Nancy Navarro has thrown her hat into the ring. In 2008, Navarro came roughly 350 votes short of victory, but only a year later pulled off a tough-fought victory by 78 votes, winning most precincts carried previously by the late Councilmember Don Praisner . . .Now, I voted for her, but I'm a little nervous at the confidence displayed here. As they say, pride goeth before the fall, and these encouraging odds might turn around with a little karmic payback.
Our campaign can confirm a large number of absentee ballot requests were submitted by our supporters. Elections experts consulted by the campaign point out that often a exceedingly small percentage of requested absentee ballots are actually returned. Considering Delegate Kramer lost the vast majority of precincts on Tuesday night, and Board of Elections records show that the distribution of absentee ballot requests was far more even than Tuesday’s turnout rates, Delegate Kramer’s path to victory is insurmountably narrow.
You never know.
Robin Ficker might roll right over her in the General Election.
How embarrassing would that be?
To paraphrase Lennox Financial: Voting for Ficker over Navarro is the biggest nobrainer in the history of earth to this Ben Kramer supporter. Ficker was the nicest guy on the campaign trail, while Navarro showed the most slime.
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