Tuesday, June 9, 2009

daily snapshot: shout-out to our friends at rockville central

The Chestnut Lodge Burned Down

or finding a way to feature a picture each day on Just Up The Pike without sounding like I copied Silver Spring Daily Photo or Rockville Central. But, speaking of Rockville: this photo is of the Chestnut Lodge, the century-old sanitarium on West Montgomery Avenue that burned down early Sunday morning. It was in the process of being converted to high-end condos, but by the time I got to it Sunday afternoon, it had become a photo op for a TV news crew.


Cindy Cotte Griffiths said...

One of my absolute top priorities for the Rockville Central redesign was a cool way to feature the POTD. Everybody should have a picture of the day so find a way. Just Up The Pike is looking mighty fine!

Brad Rourke said...

Dan, YOU inspired US two years ago! We love your redesign and you remain an icon. Brad