- The two best breakfast places in the D.C. area are both in East County, according to a listener poll by WTOP. First place goes to Nick's Diner in Wheaton, the choice of nearly one out of four listeners surveyed. Tastee Diner, the Depression-era greasy spoon with branches in Silver Spring, Bethesda and Laurel, takes second. [Thanks to Bowie Mike for the heads-up.]
- Up the Pike in Howard County, the Columbia Blog Project reports that the lawn of a black family there was vandalized with racist graffiti, accompanied by "an empty container of Skoal, beer bottles and trash." Local police dismissed the incident, but the family and their neighbors (including the blogger) are worried about what could happen next.
- The Post's Miranda Spivack finally gets around to talking about the ongoing Sligo Creek Golf Course controversy, which has really galvanized the community in a way I haven't seen since, well, ever. It's a perfect storm of class warfare and distrust of government, two things that Silver Spring has built its liberal reputation on. I'm curious what this righteous indignation could do if directed to creating more affordable housing/funding after-school activities/building the Purple Line.
- A proposed self-storage facility at Route 198 and Dino Drive in Burtonsville may be stifled by a zoning change going before the County Council specifying what uses are allowed there. Civic activist Stuart Rochester says approving one next to an existing storage place takes away from the "diversity of uses" in the area and stifle efforts to revitalize the village center. The hearing's tomorrow at 1:30pm at the County Council Office Building in Rockville.
Nick's Diner photo by Flickr user takomabibelot.
I seriously question the validity of that breakfast survey if it found that those are the top two places for breakfast in the DC area.
Apparently, they've never been to Parkway Deli.
Or anywhere else.
Parkway Deli rules!
"Best Breakfast Place" obviously does not refer merely to food quality.
I'm not surprised about Nick's - just a hop skip away from WTOP - and the Bethesda Tastee Diner has a WTOP reserved booth right up front so wonder if the radio staff gets to eat for free there. I'm thinking they have done some "man on the street" interviews and public polls from both locales. Both are natural photo op spots for politicians trying to look "in touch."
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