- Is the next season of Top Chef filming in Silver Spring? The Business Journal says that the Washingtonian's "Best Bites Blog" saw someone on Twitter who saw signs at the downtown Whole Foods warning shoppers that taping was taking place. Is it just a lousy third-hand rumor, or do we have delicious foreshadowing of a local reality show that hopefully won't do as badly as The Real World just did?
- Lee Development Group's inviting the public to see their plans for the proposed Fillmore music hall on Colesville Road and an office and hotel complex they'd like to build behind it at 7pm tonight at their headquarters, 8601 Georgia Avenue at Colesville Road. The meeting's required before plans can be submitted to the Montgomery County Planning Board for approval. Under the most idealistic timeline, the Fillmore could open as soon as next fall.
- Don't forget: the Planning Department's speaker series, ReThink Montgomery, kicks off tomorrow with a blogger panel with yours truly and four of your favorite local bloggers. The event starts at 7:30pm at the Fortress of Planning, 8787 Georgia Avenue.
- The Quarry House Tavern is hosting a "nontraditional" open mike next Saturday from 12 to 3pm, because who wouldn't want to spend a nice weekend afternoon in a basement dive bar? They're calling for poets and prose writers, stand-up comedians, and musicians as well. If you suffer from stage fright, the Quarry House's extensive "beericulum vitae" can provide some liquid encouragement. For more info, e-mail the organizers at quarryhouseopenmic at gmail dot com.
- DCist reviews Jackie's Sidebar, the new watering hole adjacent to Jackie's Restaurant at Georgia and Sligo. "With [owner Jackie] Greenbaum's new speakeasy, Sidebar, she fills the gap between the grittiness of Quarry House and the quirky fun of Jackie's," writes reviewer Jamie Liu. I braced for serious D.C.-hipster-pretention while reading the blog's comments, but was pleasantly surprised to see no such thing. Only criticism: "[Silver Spring] has as much energy and charm as Staten Island." I wish we had a public ferry like Staten Island.
We're the Brooklyn of Montgomery County. Rockville is the Staten Island, and Bethesda...Manhattan baby!
Where would our version of the Staten Island Ferry go? All the way across Sligo Creek?
I've always said we're the Queens of the DC Metro area...OK, that might not SOUND great, but I spend a lot of time in Queens, and I love it. I've got a whole NY-boroughs/DC-metro-area analogy theory that probably doesn't merit discussion. :)
That said, my friends and I went to Jackie's Sidebar on Saturday and had an amazing time. Very chill, with great drinks.
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