Monday, March 26, 2012

fenton street market comes back fighting

Fenton Street Market from Ellsworth Drive
Back and better than ever.

Soap operas have fewer plot twists than the saga of Silver Spring's Fenton Street Market. The three-year-old flea market in Veterans Plaza was threatened by tone-deaf county bureaucrats and plans to replace it with a putt-putt golf course. Founder Hannah McCann nearly decided to give up the goose before local community organizer Megan Moriarty stepped in to save the day. And on April 28, Fenton Street Market will be back and fighting. This comes from an e-mail blast sent out on Friday:

We are excited to announce that the Fenton Street Market will be back on the Plaza beginning on April 28th! Our campaign to save the market was successful – today we learned Montgomery County has awarded the Fenton Street Market a three year contract to operate a market on the Plaza.

We look forward to bringing you exceptional vendors, engaging community programming, and talented musicians this season. Our regular season will run every Saturday (with the exception of a few dates in August and September reserved for larger community festivals) from the end of April through the end of October. This year the market will open at 10:00am and close at 4:00pm.

If you're interested in being a vendor, you can sign up on FSM's website starting April 2. You can also catch up with the market on Facebook and Twitter.


Blahblah said...

Great! But if they're only using half the Plaza...a small putt-putt course would be a cool draw, too!

Tina said...

Congratulations on your commitment to the market and the community. David DID win against Goliath!!