While the election has not been settled nationally (thanks a lot, Virginia and Montana), here in Maryland, the people have spoken, and Bob Ehrlich and Michael Steele are back out on the street.
Ehrlich has done enough damage over the past four years. He dismantled Glendening's Office of Smart Growth; he ignored our state's transportation priorities and forced the approval of a two-billion-dollar highway; and he disrespected the people of a state whose beliefs are not in line with his.

It's time for Maryland to pick up where it left off with Glendening and continue its tradition of progressive government. We've strayed too far from our goals over the past four years.
You call yourself progressive, yet you choose to show a picture of an Oreo cookie.... a not-so-thinly veiled allusion to Steele?
You embarrass true progressives. True progressives would never, ever stoop to such disgraceful racism.
You should be ashamed.
have you forgotten that Dan is black?
" Anonymous said...have you forgotten that Dan is black?"
Oh, that's right! I forgot! It's IMPOSSIBLE for blacks to be racist!
What was I thinking?
That's strictly for the white folks....
Speaking of Steele, he's been asked to become chairman of the GOP.
Sligo said...
Speaking of Steele, he's been asked to become chairman of the GOP.
11/10/2006 9:36 AM
Thats good because your fellow white democrats would never support/elect a Black Democrat for Maryland State office.
A conservative mixed state that leans towards Republican Virginia elected a Black Governor in 1989 but yet a Majority white Democrat state of Maryland has NEVER supported/elected a Black Democrat for Governor, Senate, etc.
Has there ever been a decent black candidate for governor or senator? Me thinks that's the first step in having one elected. We almost had a black AG (Stu Simms),until his people ran his campaign into the ground. O well...
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