During my half-hour with Ike Leggett, I'd like him to promise to kill the moratorium, build the purple line, torch the eight-million-dollar mug-o-rama the Forest Glen pedestrian bridge has become, and save the Dutch Country Farmers' Market, but it would be enough to know that he'll give East County some long-overdue attention. Sure, Clarksburg is booming, but we could use a little love, too. I mean, Leggett'll get some dirty stares at the Giant in Burtonsville if he screws us over the next four years.
Next week I'll have a calendar with each of the Just Up The Pike "Councilmember Chats," but in the meantime, read about this dying Springbrook High alum's return of a book checked out forty-two years ago. I kept a library book when I was in elementary school. If I ever find it, I'll try to hold onto it for a few decades before giving it back in order to recoup some processing fees . . .
Instead of building the $8 million bridge, they should have gotten rid of the acceleration lanes leading on and off Georgia Avenue and put in normal intersections with stop lights and crosswalks. The ramps encourage drivers to go faster than they ought to in an urban area like Silver Spring. Georgia Avenue is a city street, not a freeway.
Agreed, it's a city street in reality, but according to the State of MD, it's MD Highway 97.
Don't forget to ask him to do what he can to kill the ICC.
Roger? You're not Roger Plaut, the former Longmead Crossing resident who moved to Rockville because of the ICC but continues to rail against it?
I know its more of a Downtown Silver Spring thing, but I'd ask Ike about the rumors that the Birchmere deal is in trouble, despite support at the state level. I have a feeling that there's more to the story than simply pressure from other arts organizations...but even if its just misinformation from some other organization, it'd be nice to know where its coming from. (The Birchmere should also be a topic for Valerie Ervin, when you get to meet with her.)
Good luck with your discussions!
The Birchmere is only in trouble if Marc Elrich gets his way and all new building construction is shut down in Montgomery County.
thecourtyard said...
"Roger? You're not Roger Plaut, the former Longmead Crossing resident who moved to Rockville because of the ICC but continues to rail against it?"
Um....yes, that's me. See Letters to the Editor in today's Diamondback (http://media.www.diamondbackonline.com/media/storage/paper873/news/2007/01/25/Opinion/Letters.To.The.Editor-2675927.shtml)
...But I'm confused. Are you saying that it's OK to oppose the ICC if you live near the proposed route, but it's not OK if you don't? Reverse NIMBY-ism, maybe? I don't get it.
Anyway, it's a little more complicated than you what you wrote.
Roger's letter to the Diamondback
the ICC: potential blockbuster [JUTP]
It's one thing to stand with your neighbors in opposition to the ICC, but it's another story when you've moved away, leaving your neighbors behind. I don't know why you moved away from Longmead, but I think it takes a lot of credibility from your argument. Do you think it's going to be built now, and you don't want to lose money? I won't buy that.
I no longer am for or against the ICC, but my family and I do intend to stay where we are, no matter what. I care too much about my community to leave for something like this - or to stand on the sidelines watching it facing a threat.
Roger said...
Don't forget to ask him to do what he can to kill the ICC.
1/23/2007 4:48 PM
RE: Another pissed off Maryland hating Virginian that wants to help Businesses to remain in Northern Virginia while you people hope that Maryland will lose ALL of the Business/economic/revenue growth.
Roger said...
thecourtyard said...
"Roger? You're not Roger Plaut, the former Longmead Crossing resident who moved to Rockville because of the ICC but continues to rail against it?"
Um....yes, that's me. See Letters to the Editor in today's Diamondback (http://media.www.diamondbackonline.com/media/storage/paper873/news/2007/01/25/Opinion/Letters.To.The.Editor-2675927.shtml)
...But I'm confused. Are you saying that it's OK to oppose the ICC if you live near the proposed route, but it's not OK if you don't? Reverse NIMBY-ism, maybe? I don't get it.
Anyway, it's a little more complicated than you what you wrote.
1/25/2007 1:01 PM
RE: I do understand.
Its deep because most of you so-called Maryland citizens that play such a dramatic role of being an angry citizen against the ICC are in reality a bunch of prejudice Maryland hating Virginian snobs that got lucky with wealth.
The hate is soo deep that you bougie Virginia lovin Maryland haters will do anything to stop ALL Forms od Business/Economic/Revenue growth just so your good ol' coloniel region of Northern Virginia can Retain and Expand Business/Economic/Revenue Growth.
thecourtyard said...
Roger's letter to the Diamondback
the ICC: potential blockbuster [JUTP]
It's one thing to stand with your neighbors in opposition to the ICC, but it's another story when you've moved away, leaving your neighbors behind. I don't know why you moved away from Longmead, but I think it takes a lot of credibility from your argument. Do you think it's going to be built now, and you don't want to lose money? I won't buy that.
I no longer am for or against the ICC, but my family and I do intend to stay where we are, no matter what. I care too much about my community to leave for something like this - or to stand on the sidelines watching it facing a threat.
1/25/2007 5:54 PM
RE: I said this before and I will say it again. There is a HUGE possibility that those that are against Building Highways/Upscale MEGA Developments/Increase High Paying Professional Employment Growth are more than likely a bunch of sneaky Maryland haters from Virginia that will do anything/everything possaible to sabatoge EVERY Form of Business/Economic/Revenue Growth in Maryland just so that Northern Virginia continues to increase their Business/Economic/Revenue Growth along with building Multi-Lane Freeways(Springfield Interchange, Dulles Greenway, HOT Lanes, etc.) and Expensive Transit Subways to the Hills of Loudon County.
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