When's a good time to admit a mistake? Ideally, it should be before anything's put in the ground, like this misspelled street sign near Blake High School. For the controversial InterCounty Connector, the call was raised with little time to spare.
Two weeks before the controversial InterCounty Connector was scheduled to begin construction, the State Highway Administration finds itself in court this week defending the project against accusations that they didn't consider the environmental damage it would cause. This is just a week after the Montgomery County Council demanded more precautions for water quality and public health - and a month after the Prince George's Council rejected the road altogether.
For some opponents of the highway, which would connect Gaithersburg and Laurel, the lawsuit and increased political scrutiny might be enough to kill the project once again - if not an effective stalling tactic. In Takoma Park, the ICC has become a symbol of what some Parkies regard as another mistake: electing Valerie Ervin to County Councilwoman.
so much more AFTER THE JUMP . . .

The Takoma Voice's aptly-named Granola Park blog laments that Councilwoman Ervin's unwillingness to take a stand on the ICC destroys her "progressive" cred in a community made famous for its liberal politics. But Ervin, who represents Takoma Park and Silver Spring below Randolph Road (well south of the ICC), expressed her full support for the road in a JUTP interview last March.
"We could be finding a cure for cancer if we're able to connect FDA to Johns Hopkins to biotech corridors in Shady Grove," Ervin said. An exaggeration, yes, but at the least a genuine response. Nonetheless, it was her suggestions of a moratorium in the Downcounty that won over Takoma Park voters during election season last summer.
Takoma Park is, after all, where three years ago a Subway sandwich shop and other chain stores was vandalized with anarchist slogans. While that's a very extreme form of the community's political slant, Takoma Park's more general intolerance to growth - and anyone who espouses it - comes through in its activists' writings.
"I want her [Ervin] to be on our side," insists betrayed Parkie activist Keith Berner, the subject of the Granola Park post. Berner also urges that Ervin "join the 'good guys'" opposed to the InterCounty Connector. That "us versus them" mentality is divisive. Valerie Ervin's campaign last year took advantage of it to get elected in Takoma Park - and her new constituents may use it to have their promises kept.
Takoma Park's "quirky" character - vintage shops and a thriving artist community - is largely powered by an affluent consumer base who can afford these goods (and willingly pay the taxes that support government subsidies - like the city's rent controls). Will Takoma Park residents recognize that and not penalize its elected officials for trying to support economic growth (and whatever drives it) - or will the "quirky" politics that made "Parkie" a dirty word prevail?
Special thanks to guest blogger Adam Pagnucco for catching the Granola Park post.
I wish someone with some Solid BALLS with connections to have the FBI and other FEDERAL AGENCIES INVESTIGATE these so called Highway Opponents because I can almost Guarantee that the perps that keep trying to Destroy ALL forms of Highway Building, Office Employment Growth, and Upscale Retail MEGA Shopping Malls are More than likely not true citizens of the state of Maryland............
And if thats the case then the process of FEDERAL CRIMINAL CHARGES Shall be set in Motion.......
It is Fu*ckin Ridicules that the State of Maryland can't Build a Multi-Lane Highway, Increase the Number of High Paying Jobs, Build Attractive Upscale Indoor MEGA Malls due to a Bunch of Selfish Low Life Maryland Hating Country Hicks but yet Virginia Proposes New Highway Building/Widening, Multi-Billion Dollar Entertainment Centers, and Multi-Billion Dollar Corporate HQ's and most if not all gets Built/Accomplish withing 10 years after the the Development was proposed............
Anonymous-- your language is atrocious- yet--- even though I am opposed to the the ICC and Mega Malls- I do believe you are correct about someof these people who oppose such projects.
If they are so adamant and sincere in their beliefs, how come they do not make the prescence known during an election.
There were a number of candidates who were opposed to the ICC and the mega malls- yet they were ignored and the pro ICC and pro-development candidates won--
my advice keep the language clean and continue your investigation
Mckniff said...
Anonymous-- your language is atrocious- yet--- even though I am opposed to the the ICC and Mega Malls- I do believe you are correct about someof these people who oppose such projects.
If they are so adamant and sincere in their beliefs, how come they do not make the prescence known during an election.
There were a number of candidates who were opposed to the ICC and the mega malls- yet they were ignored and the pro ICC and pro-development candidates won--
my advice keep the language clean and continue your investigation
October 02, 2007 6:35 AM
RE: What is your reason being Biased against Maryland building New Highways, Upscale Retail MEGA Shopping Malls, and High Paying Employment Corporate Fortune 500 HQ's.........
I'm sure a lot of people would prefer to see state money spent on mass transit and not more roads. Personally, I think we need to spend more on both. This unfortunately looks like we need to raise taxes.
rd said...
I'm sure a lot of people would prefer to see state money spent on mass transit and not more roads.
RE: Thats a Myth that the anti-Progressive people want the Maryland Tax Payers to believe.........
rd said...
Personally, I think we need to spend more on both. This unfortunately looks like we need to raise taxes.
RE: I totally disagree because tax wouldn't have to be raised if the Communist Anti-Business Left Wing Extremist would allow revenue generators like Attracting Business HQ's to migrate into the state and Allowing Casino's to be built in Maryland.....
And also if they are planning to raise the Mass Transit Fares and Build Toll Roads then raising taxes should not be a option and the only reasn they are doing it is to take money away from the working class to fill their own pockets.....................
If we didn't have these crazy Virginians like this "anonyumous" guy always trying to sabotage Maryland's business-friendly image, I think we could attract a lot more business. Without turining into the Virginia sprawlburg, full of DESERTED Office Parks, no major Central Business Districts, and ultimatley Inferior quality of LIFE (aka piece of garbage Fairfax County)
Restoner said...
If we didn't have these crazy Virginians like this "anonyumous" guy always trying to sabotage Maryland's business-friendly image, I think we could attract a lot more business. Without turining into the Virginia sprawlburg, full of DESERTED Office Parks, no major Central Business Districts, and ultimatley Inferior quality of LIFE (aka piece of garbage Fairfax County)
October 04, 2007 4:06 PM
Oh, really?????????????
Then why does over 50% of Marylanders travel to Virginia/DC everyday to work and play????????
If Maryland was soo da*mn business friendly then why are you anti-Marylanders supporting Communist Democrats proposal of stiffing Higher Taxes towards Developers and Corporate Businesses........
Anonymous said...
Oh, really?????????????
Then why does over 50% of Marylanders travel to Virginia/DC everyday to work and play????????
If Maryland was soo da*mn business friendly then why are you anti-Marylanders supporting Communist Democrats proposal of stiffing Higher Taxes towards Developers and Corporate Businesses........
October 05, 2007 1:58 AM
If you Maryland Hating Virginia freaks would just give up trying to SABOTAGE Maryland Economic Development. Maryland does not want to become a RADICAL RIGHT WING ANTI-environment, ANTI-Quality of Life piece of crap like Virginia, where its citizens are stuck in PERPETUAL GRIDLOCK and overal Virginia is POORER and LESS EDUCATED than Maryland. Only you CRAZY Virginiaboys want Maryland to go the WRONG ROUTE of Virginia sprawlburg which has DEVASTATED THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE with DESERTED OFFICE PARKS, NO major DOWNTOWNS the BETHESDA and inferior public services. Go LOG ONTO SOME Virginia blog and STOP Hating Maryland. No More CRAZY VIRGINIANS posting here.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Oh, really?????????????
Then why does over 50% of Marylanders travel to Virginia/DC everyday to work and play????????
If Maryland was soo da*mn business friendly then why are you anti-Marylanders supporting Communist Democrats proposal of stiffing Higher Taxes towards Developers and Corporate Businesses........
October 05, 2007 1:58 AM
If you Maryland Hating Virginia freaks would just give up trying to SABOTAGE Maryland Economic Development. Maryland does not want to become a RADICAL RIGHT WING ANTI-environment, ANTI-Quality of Life piece of crap like Virginia, where its citizens are stuck in PERPETUAL GRIDLOCK and overal Virginia is POORER and LESS EDUCATED than Maryland. Only you CRAZY Virginiaboys want Maryland to go the WRONG ROUTE of Virginia sprawlburg which has DEVASTATED THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE with DESERTED OFFICE PARKS, NO major DOWNTOWNS the BETHESDA and inferior public services. Go LOG ONTO SOME Virginia blog and STOP Hating Maryland. No More CRAZY VIRGINIANS posting here.
October 05, 2007 12:06 PM
RE: Yeah and 60% of Marylanders are leaving Maryland everyday to commute to Your State of Virginia to work and Play.............
Nice try you Maryland hating CONfederate Flag Supporting Country Hillbilly..........
Anonymous said...
RE: Yeah and 60% of Marylanders are leaving Maryland everyday to commute to Your State of Virginia to work and Play.............
Nice try you Maryland hating CONfederate Flag Supporting Country Hillbilly..........
October 07, 2007 11:35 PM
You bunch of REDNECK CONSERVATIVES from that piece of sh*t Commonwealth are are bunch of Closet Racist, Maryland Hating neo NAZIS that always attack Maryland because it has always been the WEALTHIER, MORE PROGRESSIVE and BETTER state. Maryland has built an ECONOMY OF THE FUTURE with its concentration in BIOTECH and MEDICINE, SPACE and DEFENSE industry that leads the nation. Only jealous virginians from their second-rate state would attack MARYLANDS powerhouse of an economy.
Dude, take a chill pill. Your hate-filled nonsense is a disgrace to Marylanders and Virginians alike.
I've been sitting on this for too long. Unless you can find a coherent, inoffensive way to make a point, you should not be posting comments here. It makes me look bad as a moderator for allowing this to keep up for nearly a year now - but it makes you look even worse. Sure, you may hide your name, but you're not anonymous to any of the other commenters.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
RE: Yeah and 60% of Marylanders are leaving Maryland everyday to commute to Your State of Virginia to work and Play.............
Nice try you Maryland hating CONfederate Flag Supporting Country Hillbilly..........
October 07, 2007 11:35 PM
You bunch of REDNECK CONSERVATIVES from that piece of sh*t Commonwealth are are bunch of Closet Racist, Maryland Hating neo NAZIS that always attack Maryland because it has always been the WEALTHIER, MORE PROGRESSIVE and BETTER state. Maryland has built an ECONOMY OF THE FUTURE with its concentration in BIOTECH and MEDICINE, SPACE and DEFENSE industry that leads the nation. Only jealous virginians from their second-rate state would attack MARYLANDS powerhouse of an economy.
October 08, 2007 1:00 PM
RE: Tell em' why you mad son....
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