Sunday, November 18, 2007

i'm embarassed to say this, but i just realized what the "singular" refers to (updated)

No one should be surprised that Marc Fisher's "Blogger of the Month" award goes to Silver Spring, Singular, one of the founders of the Silver Spring blogosphere. I haven't always agreed with Sligo - or Karl, as we have discovered his true identity to be - but I know I wouldn't be writing today if it wasn't for him and the Silver Spring Scene, which began around the same time nearly two years ago.

Congratulations, Sligo! I hope that the Singular will live on to see the blogging community it's created flourish just as our downtown has.

UPDATE: Our sources tell us the Scene started two months before the Singular did, meaning that the title of "great-grandaddy" may be contested . . .

1 comment:

Sligo said...

Oh, I definitely wasn't the first. I think the line in that article was a minor misquote.