WHAT'S UP THE PIKE: New Growth Policy includes transit access in new development reviews; the Post profiles School of Rock on Colesville Road.

You'll definitely want to check out
this and
other photos of last Saturday's Thanksgiving Parade taken by Chip Py. A local photographer, Py's best known for his
run-in with Downtown Silver Spring security last summer, which led to a
protest for photo rights on the 4th of July.
Is it more than a little strange that mounted cops would let their horses pee wherever they are . . . especially in the center of the revitalized Downtown? What were they thinking?
Now, I grew up in suburbia, and I've never actually even touched a horse, so I could be wrong on how this works, but I was kind of figuring that nobody in the world actually has the power to control when a horse urinates, barring some sort of complicated catheterization that would be bound to scare the kids. Or, OK, yeah, horse diapers.
What do they do with police horses in Bethesda? We should *totally* do that.
They are actually robotic horses. That is just a cooling fluid leak.
Surely, if the homeless can pee in public(and some do even worse than peeing)I am sure it is ok for horse to pee- just as itis ok for dogs, cats, squirrels etc.
Just be grateful that Horses to not fly.
So, which one of you wants to try to stop a horse from urinating? Go ahead, just hop on under there and... well, I don't know what you'd do. Horses go to the bathroom when they need to. They're not dogs that are trained from 3 weeks old to go on command.
Only a turkey would make such a comment. When a horse has to go, they have to go.
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