- In other celebrity news: Rockville Central reports (via Radar magazine) that TLC reality show star Kate Gosselin is getting a crash pad in Rockville Town Square for when she's not taking turns with estranged husband Jon raising their eight kids. Figure she had better luck in their sales office than I did. Man, the most famous person I saw when I used to work in RTS was Doug Duncan. I'll have to do my celebrity stalking on my lunch break now.
- Why doesn't Brookside Gardens in Wheaton have better public transit access? That's what Washington Gardener editor/friend of JUTP Kathy Jentz writes County Executive Ike Leggett in an open letter published on her blog. "You'd think public transit to public gardens would be a no-brainer," Jentz writes. "The very people who "need" the gardens most are the ones who cannot get there."
- I read last Saturday's profile of North White Oak in the Post with some apprehension. After all, their previous reviews of Hillandale and Tanglewood suggest that East County residents only meet their neighbors when they're trying to stop development/bus routes/McMansions, and my experiences with North White Oak residents last month wasn't much different. Instead, I was happy to see more positive statements about how affordable homes are, how great Martin Luther King, Jr. Park is, and how easy it is for kids to walk to school. I wish I'd get to know that side of the community more.
- Speaking of North White Oak: their Civic Association is opening their August meeting to surrounding neighborhoods for a talk about the planned Third District police station on Milestone Drive and an adjacent proposed housing development. Councilmember Nancy Navarro (D-Colesville) will be there to meet residents and hear their concerns. That meeting is at 7:30pm on Wednesday, August 26 at the White Oak Library on New Hampshire Avenue.
Aretha Franklin photo courtesy of Joseph Hoetzl.
Thanks for the bump on my public transit for public gardens post. Hoping maybe your new boss reads your blog ;-)
VERY exciting about Aretha being 1 block from my house!!! She has a standing invite to sip a glass of wine in my gazebo whenever she likes :-) Just saw her at the Capitol 4th concert on the Mall - not surpringly she brought the corwd to their feet dancing, singing & a standing O.
Regarding Aretha: Apparently my boss decided to change the Monday "on sale" date to let me enjoy my last day of vacation, but neglected to tell me. And me being the dutiful box office *grumblegrumble* came in off of vacation to set it up. So, yup. They went on sale Monday. But there are still some left.
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