- Rita's Italian Ice is celebrating the start of their 2010 season by giving away free italian ice on Saturday from 12 to 10pm. The Burtonsville Rita's is onRoute 198, but they also have locations in College Park, Olney, and Aspen Hill.
- You've probably already heard that there'll be a meeting to discuss the new Silver Spring Civic Building, which after years of anticipation will finally open this July. The meeting will be next Tuesday, March 23 from 7 to 9pm at the Discovery Building.
- Costco's still thinking about opening up in Wheaton . . . Wheaton, Illinois, also known as Bizarro Wheaton or the Other, White Wheaton. Of course, the arguments for and against the big-box store coming to Wheaton, IL are the same as they are here.
For: "the Costco representative said a store would create about 300 jobs and, after three or four years, generate as much as $3 million annually in sales tax revenue for the city. 'The Costco thing has a lot of potential once you start to think about it,' [Bizarro Wheaton Official] said.
Against: "We've got a residential neighborhood right next door," [Other Bizarro Wheaton Official] said. "So it is a fairly incompatible use. I really respect the neighborhoods, and I don't want to do anything to damage them."
- It looks like Greg Sanders, son of recently-departed transit activist Harry Sanders, is following in his dad's footsteps with a blog post dismantling the libertarian argument that we have so much "suburban sprawl" because duh, everyone wants to live there. Greg's response (for those uninterested in planner-geekery): Downtown Silver Spring.
- Maryland state legislators are mulling a bill that would provide loans to people seeking to improve the energy efficiency of their home or business. Lisa Piccinini from UMD for Clean Energy - whose Matt Dernoga we interviewed last fall - writes a guest post about the program, and its implications for our environment, on Rethink College Park.
in response to your title, yes, i do occasionally
Do Nazis hate skateboarding and rollerblading?
"Wheaton Nazis."
"I hate Wheaton Nazis."
This means roller *skating* is totally fine, right?
I used to rollerblade and skateboard as a form of transportation... it's easy, convenient, and great exercise. I was once cited for rollerblading in a travel lane AND in an area posted for no skateboarding & rollerblading, but managed to get it thrown out on the grounds that it was as much a legitmate form of transportation as bicycling or anything else.
That was probably about 10 years ago back in Pennsylvania... I'm tempted to pull out my gear and mill about these signs a bit -- not using them -- just to see what happens; sort of like my enjoyment with taking photos of places that you're allowed to but officials disagree... fed buildings, trains, etc.
...And for kicks perhaps I'll try taking a lane as a rollerblader again, though in the last 10 years I've grown out of the "invincible adolescent" stage and entered the "I have to pay my own medical bills if I injure myself" stage... so I'm a bit hesitant on hills these days.
Nazi's just hate skateblading, un unnatural mixture of skateboarding and rollerblading. I, for one like my biking straight
NO COSTCO IN WHEATON! If Costco want s to come THEY ALONE need to pay the cost. Mo Co should NOT give them any tax breaks. MoCo paid 4 the Macy's garage, & what did we get in return. Every damn thing @ Macy's is STILL OVERPRICED! $20 for 1 pair of cotton made in bangladesh sock!
If we give Costco the tax break, will they give every MoCo resident a break on the membership fee? A break on gas? No they wont!
I am disgusted in reading today's Gazette that much of the county council is in favor of changing the zoning laws & fast tracking it so Costco may come.
If Costco want to come, they need to pay for it themselves!
Art Students at Montgomery College's Germantown Campus will be holding an on-campus art show on April 29th 2010. Any type of digital art will be accepted and displayed in our show, giving artists the chance to be recognized for their work! There is not specific theme for this show, just let your inspiration flow and show us what you got!
Deadline to submit entries:
Monday, April 12.
Artists of all ages and skill levels are welcome to submit entries. Artists will be notified of acceptance by Friday, April 16. To submit artwork; include your name, phone #, address and title in an e-mail with one or two digital files in JPG format at mcgalleria@gmail.com
Web site:
Exhibit Location:
Montgomery College, Germantown. Exact Location TBD
Thursday, April 29, 11:30-1
Minimum image size:
printable at 8″ x 10″(or 10″ x 8″).
There is no maximum image size, but very large images my be reduced in size as space allows.
For all other inquiries, please email mcgalleria@gmail.com
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