- Blake High School will say farewell to soon-to-be-former principal Carole Goodman in a tribute on June 10. Two weeks ago, she was tapped to become an Associate Superintendent for MCPS, leading its Office of Human Resources and Development. The school's looking for students and alumni willing to put together a tribute to Principal Goodman - if you're interested, you can visit the event's page on Facebook.
- From the Gazette: the developer of the new Burtonsville Town Square shopping center says he wants a "destination" for Burtonsville, but seems to forget he evicted the one we already had.
When Burtonsville Town Square opens later this summer, you can expect to find "chain restaurants", "another bank" in addition to the Chevy Chase Bank that just opened there - and, surprisingly, a "native plant garden island" with play areas for kids. It's not an actual square or a farmers' market, but it's certainly a nice touch.
In addition:
- Fire Station 1, the new restaurant in the former Silver Spring firehouse, opens "this week," says the Gazette, but their website doesn't list an actual date.
- A man was robbed and forced off the top of a parking deck in downtown Wheaton, reports the Post. He'll be okay, thankfully, but the two men who allegedly mugged him are still at large.
- Maryland Politics Watch examines the ministry of Vanessa Ali, a Burtonsville Democrat running for state delegate.
Sigh....This Burtonsville town square makes me sad. As a local resident, I keep waiting to hear what restaurants we're getting. Or should I say "restaurants"? The new center will visually look nice but I'm not sure we'll get anything new or exciting as I had hoped. Also, that shopping center was always more difficult to get in and out of than the current Burtonsville Crossing. By moving Giant over there they are creating a traffic nightmare. Anyone who has ever tried to make a left out of McDonalds knows what I'm talking about. I still say they should move Burtonsville Elementary and rezone the whole area. Sidewalks. Updated buildings. Stand alone restaurants with patio seating. No more strip malls. And does Burtonsville need a million mechanic/car shops? Oh Burtonsville, how I wish for more for you...
The problem of walking space in Silver Spring is over development.
You have two main roads that have been there for years and that lead into D.C. where(believe it or not) thousands of non D.C. residents work.
Any alterations to this already crowded intersection will only make traffic worse.
There should be less development or no more.
Silver Spring is becoming overcrowded.
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