Wednesday, June 23, 2010

what's up the pike: tragedy towers

The Rooftop Pool
- Was there a suicide at The Georgian apartments at Georgia and Fenwick last week? At least three commenters at Georgian Confidential report seeing a man - allegedly a lifeguard at the building's rooftop pool - jump to his death in the courtyard below last Friday evening, though the local papers haven't reported anything yet.

- Mid-County Director Natalie Cantor re-caps meetings on the future of "downtown" Sandy Spring in preparation for a charrette this fall. On the boards: more housing and offices above stores; a village square where "grandparents can bring their grandchildren down for an ice cream cone," and parallel parking on Route 108 to slow traffic.

- Wheaton High could be merged with Thomas Edison High, the county's only vocational school, to become a "high-tech" school, says the Examiner. Parents worry it'll shortchange kids who aren't planning on going to college.

Briefly noted:

- A sophomore at Northwood High planned to bomb her school, says the Gazette.

- Good Eatin' continues to mourn the loss of the Wheaton Safeway.

- We get a lovely heads-up from Lydia over at Snoburbia.

1 comment:

jen said...

There WAS a suicide at the Georgian. My friends who live there said the body sat in the courtyard (covered by a sheet) for over an hour before the police "figured out what to do." (Their words.) I guess this doesn't qualify as news around here?