Tuesday, June 5, 2012

new look!

JUTP will be six years old (!!!) at the end of the month, so I figured it was high time to do some remodeling. I spent most of yesterday afternoon toying around with Blogger's Dynamic View template, which gives You, The Reader, a more interacting, faster-loading blog to enjoy. I like it because it can fit five (!!!) posts on the home page without scrolling, raising the probability that visitors will see something they like upon first glance and then click around.

Naturally, things have been moved around. On the top of the screen is a new navigation bar with links to our Facebook, Twitter and Flickr pages, along with a few other features. Mouse over to the right-hand side and you'll find a series of tabs that'll take you to the archives and blogroll. And if you're looking for older posts, just scroll down! The page will automatically pull up older posts, so you could scroll all the way to 2006, if you'd like.

Let me know if you have any questions about the new template! My goal is to have a blog that's as reader-friendly as possible, and if something's not working right, I'd love to know. (If you're reading this on a smartphone and don't see anything different, that's because it's not! I urge you to get to your computer or tablet and check out the new site post-haste.)


kate said...

The web layout looks nice, but it discourages reading of comments. I come here sometimes for the lively discussion (instead of just reading in my blog reader) and I'm sad to see that there likely won't be any comments.

Dan Reed said...

I certainly hope not! Perhaps I should make some sort of guide to the new template so readers can figure out where everything is, including comments.

Alicia said...

I like it! Good job - looks cleaner and easier to read. I played around with this formatting before on my blog but I couldn't find the way for it to show the logo. Love the change. Happy 6th birthday!