"Folks tend to get the perception that their corner of the County is unique . . . when we all have the same problems." - Marilyn PraisnerUPDATES: - Sligo informed us that Planning Board commissioner Gene Lynch, who lived in Woodside Park, has also passed away. I would also like to extend my condolences to Lynch's family on this especially sad day in Montgomery County.
- Adam Pagnucco eulogizes Marilyn Praisner and her long career of public service at Crossing Georgia.
- Councilmember George Leventhal (D-At Large) had this to say about Praisner's passing:
"Montgomery County lost a great public servant today. I so enjoyed working with Marilyn. We shared a lot of laughs and helped a lot of people together. I had profound respect for her knowledge, her experience, her perspective and her dedication. I will never forget her example of tireless commitment and I know that for years to come, before a tough vote, Councilmembers, including me, will wonder, What Would Marilyn Do?"- Mark D. Fennel, who ran for County Council in District 4 as a Republican two years ago, is demanding a special election to replace Praisner on a Washington Post blog.
County Councilmember Marilyn Praisner (D-Calverton) passed away this morning while undergoing heart surgery. I just wanted to express my condolences for her family and for everyone who's ever had the chance to work with our county's longest-serving councilmember.
JUTP interviewed Praisner last year. I've always felt like she was a neighbor of mine, living just a couple of blocks from my house. I didn't always agree with her policies, but it's clear she cared about our community. She cared enough to put down roots here forty years ago and never leave. How many people - in East County or anywhere - can say that?
I am inexplicably shaken. I don't know what else to say. I'm so sorry.
Gene Lynch, The Commissioner of the Montgomery County Planning Board and Silver Spring resident also died last night.
Check out http://blog.washingtonpost.com/annapolis/2008/02/montgomery_council_member_prai_1.html?hpid=topnews
Scroll down to the comments by Mark Fennel, who opposed her in the last election. You’ll never see a faster, more shameless attempt at politicizing a tragic event. Tells you what kind of people you can face in this county. Unbelievable.
Mark D. Fennel sounds like one insensitive, power hungry prick.
A minor correction: Gene Lynch lived in North Woodside, not Woodside Park, although we would have been proud to have him as a Woodside Park neighbor.
I like how Mark Fennel adds a plug for Mitt Romney, because that is definitely a way to get people in this area on his side.
This is probably the only way a Republican can get elected around here. Force an emergency election before a Democratic candidate has a chance to drum up name recognition.
Fennel is not only crass - he's also ignorant. Chapter 16, Section 16-17 of the County Code provides for a special election if a vacancy occurs during the first three years of a County Council Member's term. The council must set a date for District 4's special election in the near future.
I don't know what happens next, or who is in line to replace Ms Praisner, but I will donate money to any fund that keeps that prick out of office.
I trust you all are just as outraged at the crass behavior of the prick Democrats who have been feverishly working the back channels to get Ms. Praisner's seat.
to "b" - seems like you are the only prick on this blog. Get off your high horse for just one second and re-read the Post blog. That guy you hate so much went to great lenghts to praise Praisner. You are doing a great disservice to Ms. Praisner's memory and to District 4 Democrats with your hateful tone.
Thank-you, I deserved that. Quite often I speak first, circumventing the thought process. I'll try being more considerate and thoughtfull in the future.
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