My friend's band, Lonely Are The Brave, are all from East County, and they had their demo release show Friday night. "We had the most diverse mosh pit," he said, re-capping the show for me. "It wasn't just scene kids. It was everybody . . . it was very Silver Spring."
Diversity, mosh pits, alternative music: all things I think of when I think of Silver Spring, last weekend's Jazz Festival notwithstanding. (Alas, no pits there.) What else just screams "Silver Spring"? Here's a look:
BLAMING THE MAN: Thayer Avenue's Eric sat down with developer Bruce Lee, who ran afoul of the blogger last week for demanding looser building restrictions for his company's property behind the proposed Fillmore music hall on Colesville Road. "There’s a lot of blame to go around" in the ongoing controversy over who should build or operate the venue, laments Eric, who implores the MoCo government to "get their heads out of their asses and make something happen.
ANTI-WAR SENTIMENT: PeaceAction Montgomery and a slate of local pacifist and religious organizations are sponsoring a town hall meeting next week on how Montgomery County can help end the Iraq War. County Executive Ike Leggett will moderate the event, which features speakers Brendan O'Flaherty, an economist from Columbia University, and Karen Dolan from the Institute for Policy Studies. Five of the nine County Councilmembers will be there, including George Leventhal (D-At Large), Marc Elrich (D-At Large) and Valerie Ervin (D-Dist. 5), all of whom live in either Takoma Park or Silver Spring. The meeting will be next Monday, Sep. 22, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Montgomery College's Germantown campus.
SWEET, SWEET GENTRIFICATION: Home Properties, the developer who wants to redevelop part of Falkland Chase, plans to offer displaced tenants moderately-priced units in one of their complexes in White Oak. Small and lacking the amenities of newer complexes, the New Deal-era Falkland apartments have long been a cheap alternative to other buildings in Downtown Silver Spring. Maryland Politics Watch proved that East County's not the "dumping ground" for affordable housing some fear it's become, but sending people priced out of Downtown to White Oak doesn't do much to change that perception.
1 comment:
As for relocating people priced out of DTSS into White Oak, somehow not constituting turning upcounty East MoCo into a dumping ground, I scoff. Drop into Aspen Hill south of Aspen Hill Road and walk around for no less than three miles or three hours, whichever comes first.
Presuming that you survive, it might take you weeks to stop muttering "not a dumping ground, my @$$, sheeeit, WHAT!".
Feel free, nobody will understand you, because in this particular dumping ground -- which is starting to look like an industrial park in many places -- you may very well be the only person speaking English.
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