Over the past few months, Just Up The Pike has received an ever-increasing number of tips. Thanks for the help! It's because of these reader contributions that we've become what Maryland Politics Watch says is the #2 most-read local blog in Maryland. If you've got something to say, please don't hesitate to drop me a line at justupthepike at gmail dot com.
- Chuck Brown, the godfather of go-go, and the W.P.G. Trio are coming to Silver Spring - and no, we're not kidding. Check them out at the Blair Mansion Inn, 7711 Eastern Avenue near Georgia, tonight at 9pm. For more info, call 301/588-1688 or visit the Blair Mansion's website.
- The Lakeland Community Heritage Project, which works to preserving the history of College Park's black community, is holding a dinner dance tonight from 8pm to 12am honoring Lakeland's social clubs. It all goes down at the Holiday Inn College Park, located at 10000 Baltimore Avenue. For more info and to buy tickets, check out their blog.
- Looking for a pet? Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue, a Richmond-based volunteer group that finds homes specifically for Great Pyrenees dogs, is having an adoption event tomorrow. Come by the Big Bad Woof in Takoma, D.C., located at 177 Carroll Street NW, between 12 and 3pm to meet their dogs. For more info, visit them on Facebook or at their website.
- If you haven't gotten a chance to see local swing band Swingtopia, you've got the rest of the month to check them out. They'll be playing at the Greek Village Restaurant in Colesville at 8pm Monday nights through the rest of March. The restaurant's located at New Hampshire Avenue and Randolph Road; for more info, check out Swingtopia's website.
- Have you ever wanted to grow bananas in your backyard? Don't let that three feet of snow we just had fool you into thinking you can't. The Silver Spring Garden Club hosts botanist John Boggan for a free talk about hardy plants normally found in warmer locales. The meeting's at 8pm Monday in the Brookside Gardens Education Building, located at 1800 Glenallan Avenue in Wheaton.
When I was a kid in Oxon Hill, Dad had a banana plant for years. Each fall, he's dig it up. While it was small, it would go in a bucket and live under a grow light in the basement until spring. After it got too big for the bucket, he'd lay it between two layers of clear plastic sheeting under the grow lamp and keep the roots damp. Each spring, it would be planted back in the ground to one side of the house. The banana plant would produce the flower spike and even teeny fruit but they never got ripe so that we could eat them.
You'll always be #1 for me.
Not sure if it quite counts since it's a bit removed from east county, but the Washington Improv Theatre's "Fighting Improv Smackdown Tournament" (FIST) has begun its run:
The short of it: two improv groups go head to head, at the end the audience votes for the winner, and the winner moves on in the tournament.
thanks for listing the SS Garden Club talk - looking fwd to a glimpse of summer after this gray, dank weekend!
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