Tuesday, July 6, 2010

what's up the pike: ughhhhh

It's been a busy past few days here at JUTP headquarters. My family was out of town for the weekend, leaving me alone to defend the house (still accustomed to nights in College Park listening to drunken revelers stumbling home, I am suspicious of the quiet of our cul-de-sac); I participated in parades in Takoma Park and Leisure World; and finally replaced my 2004-vintage laptop with a Mac (finally!), which means I spent a significant amount of time re-learning how to use a computer.

Last Day At Work
On top of that, I left my job (a special thanks to George for the opportunity and the experience!). Unfortunately that means my will to do work, be it for pay or for blog, is largely sapped. A vacation would be nice about now, but in the meantime, here's a somewhat anemic review of what's happening in East County this week:

- Matchbox makes toy fire trucks that say "Burtonsville Volunteer Fire Department" on them. It even has the same livery as the real thing. Check it out on Twitter, eBay, and Diecast Direct.

- The National Pinball Museum, currently run out of its curator's house in Colesville, will move to Georgetown later this year.

- A profile of local swing band Swingtopia, who we've been relentlessly promoting over the past three months.

- Silver Spring, Singular already covered this, but: Silver Spring is a "amusement park complemented by a scary mall and expensive baked goods." Watch as the brave commenters quickly but politely tear this silly prattle apart.

- Indefatigable photographer and friend of JUTP Chip Py sent us these photos of the fireworks at Einstein High School in Kensington Sunday night:

1 comment:

Cyndy said...

I hope you are able to enjoy your new found leisure time before you head off back to school. And thank you very much for all of your relentless promotion of Swingtopia. We've been getting more and more people in there each week and hopefully that will continue when we start back up in the fall.