- The two Springbrook High students accused of trying to bomb their school and assassinate their principal will be charged with arson and reckless endangerment, but not conspiracy. That's what the Montgomery state attorney's office says about the April incident. The Post article notes that those who knew both students say they were "special-needs students" who shouldn't bear full responsibility for their actions.
- On Thursday, the Department of Parks is holding a public hearing for what to do with the Sligo Creek Golf Course, which will close October 1st due to an agreement that prevents it from competing with other county golf courses. Possible uses for the 65-acre site, located at Sligo Creek Parkway and the Capital Beltway, include a preserve and nature center, a recreational park, or a sports complex. The hearing's at 7pm at the Park and Planning Commission's headquarters at Georgia and Spring; interested parties can sign up to testify here.
- Over the weekend, reader Dr. F asked "what happened" to the National Capital Trolley Museum on Bonifant Road. Devoted to preserving the history of streetcars in the Washington area and beyond, the four-decade-old museum shut down last December to make room for construction of the InterCounty Connector. (Three years ago, JUTP first wondered if it was ironic that this was a rehash of how 20th-century streetcar lines were dismantled in the wake of the Interstate Highway Act.)
The museum was forced to move its facilities to another part of its site in Northwest Branch Park, enabling them to build a new visitor's center. In April, the Gazette wrote about preparations for the museum's reopening. According to their website, the National Capital Trolley Museum will resume operations some time this summer.
I'd be a little more enthusiastic about the Purple Line on Wayne as opposed to under it in a tunnel if it would look like your New Orleans picture.
Thanks for the update, Dan.
I dug the trolley museum and look forward to it returning.
My teenage daughter was seriously underwhelmed by the museum though.
I used to ride the DC Transit trolley on Georgia Avenue as a kid, so it had some nostalgic resonance for me.
In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the Purple Line trolley.
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