- Next weekend, celebrate the Silver Spring Library while catching a glimpse at the bibliotheque's future. The fourth annual Silver Spring Library BookFest returns next Saturday with a used-book sale, baked goods (not inside, I assume) and a petting zoo. At noon, the "latest design" for the new library planned at Wayne Avenue and Fenton Street will be unveiled. The festival runs from 10am to 3pm in the library, 8901 Colesville Road at Spring Street.
- Six dollars to drive the InterCounty Connector sounds like highway robbery to some and totally justified to others. Both sides get to make their case to state transportation officials at a series of open houses and public hearings. This week, there are open houses presenting info on the proposed tolling plan tonight at High Point High in Calverton and on Wednesday at Kennedy High in Glenmont. Next Wednesday, October 28 and Thursday, October 29, there will be public hearings at High Point and Shady Grove Middle School in Gaithersburg, respectively. All four events run from 6 to 9pm.
- The Good Eatin' in Wheaton blog laments that Arlington-based burger chain Five Guys doesn't have a location in Wheaton or, for that matter, anywhere in below-the-Beltway Silver Spring. If you'd like to bring their never-frozen patties to downtowns Silver Spring or Wheaton, keep in mind the chain's "basic site requirements" ask for at least 2,000 square feet of space, a building with "unique or progressive architectural character," and at least "35 dedicated parking spaces." Thirty-five dedicated spaces sounds like a bit much for a burger joint, and it's probably why their current East County locations are in strip malls in Aspen Hill and Calverton (on Tech Road).
How, exactly, does a Tech Rd. strip mall qualify as having "unique or progressive architectural character". Or, for that matter, how do any of the the numerous strip malls in which Five Guys franchises are located meet that condition?
I thought he also liked an Indian restaurant in Langley Park?
I'd MUCH rather have Z-burger. Besides the Five Guys near 7th on H has no dedicated parking spaces and seems to do just fine. And yrs, that Tcech Rd strip mall is hardly "unique."
As to the ICC toll, from the beggining the planners said it would be about a $7 each way toll road. If $14 a day is too much for your commute, where were you all when this road construction could have been stopped?
FWIW, Five Guys is currently building a storefront in Bethesda Row.
They WOULD get a Five Guys.
Rockville Town Square has one (I remember many fond cheeseburger-ice cream trades from my days of working at Gifford's there) with a parking lot right in back, along North Washington Street. It wasn't dedicated, but it's about as close to a strip mall-type location as you can get there.
I'd rather have a Cheeburger Cheeburger, thank you!
Why, you already have one, right here in Burtonsville.
The Silver Spring Library's Bookfest on Saturday (October 24th) will also feature the debut of the Friends of the Library's new 2010 "Vintage Silver Spring -- Then and Now" calendars. The calendars feature 14 historic photos (one for December 2009 through December 2010, plus the cover) accompanied by photos of the same locations now. The calendars are $10.00 at the Bookfest or $12 by mail. Mail orders can be sent to Calendars, Friends of the Library, 8901 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910. The calendars will also be sold by Friends of the Library volunteers selected hours on other weekends at the library. 100% of the proceeds benefit the library.
By the way, the Bookfest bake sale will be inside the library, on the lower level.
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